1. November in Church's tradition is a special time to pray for all the departed. Please take the cards and write the names of the dperated from your Family and friends - on Thursday November 21 we will have a special devotion when we will read all the names, pray for them and celebrate a Mass for the intentions of all the listed. Praying for the dead is one of the greatest works of mercy.
2. Join us for our classes on Catholic faith - both for Catholic and non- Catholics. on Wednesday at 7.00 PM. This week's topic is on Catholic Church.
3. There is a small change in the schedule for Wednesday this week - there will be no confessions offered at 8.00 PM and instead of Adoration we will have prayer and worship service. Please use the opportunity before the Sunday Masses, on Monday at 6.00 PM or before the 6.00 PM Mass on Thursday for confessions. You can always schedule a time that is convienent for you by talking to me or just calling the office.
4. Just a reminder that all the liturgical and paraliturgical services in the Student Center are opened to public - Masses, Adoration, Confession.
5. Delicious dinner follows the Mass on Thursday - join us at 6.00 PM.