1. There will be no 6.00 PM Mass this Monday and no Bible studies group meetings.
2. Halloween party on Monday at 8.00 PM; we will conclude with Adoration at 11.00 PM and Mass at midnight.
3. On November 1 we celebrate All Saints Day (Holy Day of obligation) - Masses at midnight and 6.00 PM.
4. On November 2 we celebrate All Souls Day - Mass at 6.00 PM. So many people after dying need purification before enetering eternal joy with God and All Saints - we can help them to "get to" heaven with our prayers, especially when we offer for them a Mass intention. Go to csajags.com to submit the names of the departed dear to you: November 2 6.00 PM and November 10 6.00 PM Masses will be celebrated for them.
5. Theology class (Theocat) has been moved to Tuesday, November 8 at 7.00 PM
6. Join us for Apologetics class this Wednesday after 6.00 PM Mass; topic: Eucharist.
7. Thursday dinner after 6.00 PM Mass open to all college students; special guests - Sisters and Fr. Victor Ingalls.