1. This coming Thursday evening will be special - we will have an early celebration of Thanksgiving: Mass at 6.00 PM followed by delcious dinner (turkey included) with contests and games. Join us and invite your friends!
2. Tomorrow, 101 years since the World War 1 has ended we celebrate, the Veterans Day - please remember to show your respect and gratitute towards all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces and offer your personal prayers for them.
3. November in Church's tradition is a special time to pray for all the departed. Please take the cards and write the names of the dperated from your Family and friends - on Thursday November 21 we will have a special devotion when we will read all the names, pray for them and celebrate a Mass for the intentions of all the listed. Praying for the dead is one of the greatest works of mercy.
4. Sign up for a pilgrimage to Italy and Poland - information availible on the flyers in the back of the chapel and online on our website.
5. Please don't forget to grab a bulletin and a donut!