1. Rosary prayer in our Student Center during the month of October is said on Mondays at 5.30 PM (during the Adoration) and Thursdays at 5.30 PM in front of the statue of our Mother outside our Center. Please join us! Every Friday we invite all the college students to join us as we pray near the planned parenthood for the intention of protection of life and for the gifts of Holy Spirit for all the mothers expecting children. 2. This Tuesday we will celebrate the memorial of Saint John Paul 2 - after the 7.00 AM Mass blessing with relics (relics of blood of Saint John Paul 2) and delicious breakfest. 3. Class for those interested in Catholic faith, wanting to become Catholic or trying to gather more information helpful in defending the faith every Wednesday at 7.00 PM - snacks provided. 3. After the Mass at 6.00 PM this Thursday we will serve dinner with some of St. John Paul 2 favourite dishes, join us! Right after the Mass we will show a movie about St. JP2 and have a contest with prizes: nice gift cards and tickets to the cinema to win!